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Tuesday items: Palast bashes Mundell; The Economist on US immigration policy; Kadlec on jobs lost to government policy.

From The Guardian (UK), Greg Palast lambasts “evil genius” Robert Mundell for his euro scheme to force government downsizing.

The Economist reports that America’s competitors do more to welcome entrepreneurial immigrants.

At Forbes, Charles Kadlec analyzes the number of jobs lost due to government policy.

On The Kudlow Report, Gordon Chang of Forbes sees trouble for China’s economy:

At NRO, Larry Kudlow highlights Marco Rubio’s defense of low taxes.

From Alhambra Partners, Joe Calhoun wonders if economic doomsaying has gone too far.

At RCM, John Tamny argues government spending hurts economic growth.

From First Trust, Brian Wesbury hopes the Supreme Court will roll back Obamacare.

On Reason, Steve Chapman argues the Fed is choking the economy with tight money.

From the Heartland Institute, Bret Swanson discusses the federal government’s mishandling of the wireless spectrum.

On Salon, Andrew Leonard uses Bloomberg’s report on state income taxes to bash Art Laffer.

In The NYT, Bruce Bartlett tries to talk Republicans into supporting spending stimulus.

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