Larry Kudlow encourages us to dust off Jack Kemp’s playbook to revitalize Detroit.

1024px-headquarters_of_gm_in_detroitPolicy and Government

China hopes to position itself as the new champion of free trade.


In the WSJ, Richard Barley reveals the dark side of the soaring dollar.

In the WSJ, Chelsey Dulaney, Ben Eisen, and Yantoultra Ngui warn the dollar’s spike is worrying emerging markets.

At FT, Roger Blitz wonders how high the dollar will go.


Larry Kudlow encourages us to dust off Jack Kemp’s playbook to revitalize Detroit.

In the Daily Caller, Lewis Uhler and Peter Ferrara show us how Speaker Ryan is charting a better way forward on tax policy.


At, Tim Worstall believes Paul Krugman misunderstands Trump’s infrastructure agenda.

Dan Mitchell discusses the “lather-rinse-repeat” cycle of government failure.

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