
COVID Lessons Learned: A Retrospective After Four Years

Scott W. Atlas, Steve H. Hanke, Philip G. Kerpen, and Casey B. Mulligan

Paying Americans Not to Work

Casey B. Mulligan and E.J. Antoni

Antitrust Laws Will Make Inflation Worse

Arthur B. Laffer, Ph.D. and John Barrington Burke

Final Report Card on State Responses to COVID-19

Phil Kerpen, Stephen Moore, and Casey Mulligan

Joe Biden’s War Against the South

Stephen Moore & Erwin Antoni, Ph.D.

Fix Social Security By Creating Own America Personal Accounts for All Workers

Stephen Moore, Jeff Yass, Peter J. Ferrara and Steven J. Entin

Democratic presidential candidates like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Cory Booker have made inequality a central issue in the campaign. But their plans for minimum-wage hikes, wealth taxes and income-tax rates of 50%-70% would restrain the economy and hurt all Americans.

The U.S. uranium mining industry is in crisis today due to certain foreign state-owned companies and entities undermining free-market uranium through predatory practices. U.S, uranium production has also suffered from years of anti-mining regulatory and environmental policies that have left the domestic industry dormant. As of 2019, more than 99 percent of U.S. uranium supplies are imported, much of it from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. China is also ramping up its ability to supply more cheap uranium to the U.S. These are not friendly ally nations that America can depend on.

Arguably, no nation on earth has been endowed with a greater abundance of critical and rare earth minerals than the United States.

The National Mining Association estimates that the United States sits atop $6 trillion in mineral resources. We could be easily adding $50 to 100 billion to our GDP every year through a smart, pro-growth mining policy.

If all 17 rare earth elements were counted separately—as they should be—the United States is importing 37 minerals at 100 percent, for a total of 67 key minerals imported at more than 50 percent reliance.

Donald Trump ran for president promising a tougher stance on trade deals. He argued that many of these agreements were unfair to American companies and U.S. workers and promised to bring back jobs and factories that had fled these shores for nations like Mexico, China, and Japan. In particular he expressed concern for American steel and auto workers whose jobs were being lost due to “lousy trade deals.” This was often a popular position with blue collar union workers whose wages had been stagnant for nearly two decades.

Donald Trump ran for president promising a tougher stance on trade deals. He argued that many of these agreements were unfair to American companies and U.S. workers and promised to bring back jobs and factories that had fled these shores for nations like Mexico, China, and Japan. In particular he expressed concern for American steel and auto workers whose jobs were being lost due to “lousy trade deals.” This was often a popular position with blue collar union workers whose wages had been stagnant for nearly two decades.

Perhaps the most common complaint about the U.S. health care system is that Americans spend more on medical care than the citizens of any other nation without commensurate health benefits. While our health care delivery and insurance systems have many inefficiencies, one element that can drive up costs is global in scope: compared with citizens of other developed countries, Americans bear a disproportionate share of the hundreds of billions of dollars spent each year developing new drugs, vaccines,medical devices, and other life-saving health technologies.

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Washington, DC 20005