Rick Perry’s coal remarks trigger a discussion on Say’s law:
Salon and Business Insider attack.
Forbes.com’s Tim Worstall says Rick Perry has it right.
In the NY Times, Alan Rappeport warns U.S. trade partners are nervous about potential steel tariffs:
“If [Trump] actually pulls the trigger, it could be highly disruptive to world trade,” said Stephen Moore, a Heritage Foundation economist who advised Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign and helped craft his economic plan. “It’s not even going to really work in terms of helping American workers.”
At Forbes.com, Ralph Benko says fresh thinking on social capital is emerging from Senator Lee and the JEC.
At Forbes.com, John Tamny reveals the central planning folly of market monetarism.
Daniel Gross discusses the Fed’s repeated failures to uphold the dual mandate.
From Bloomberg, Charles Lieberman reminds the Fed that anticipating the need for change is better than reacting to events as they unfold.
In the Washington Examiner, Joseph Lawler and David Drucker discuss the fall of the border-adjustment tax.
From New Republic, Clio Chang explains what Zuckerberg gets wrong about Universal Basic Income.
In USA Today, Steve Forbes says the private sector has health care cures, we just need to get out of its way.