President Trump praises the Committee’s own Steve Moore: “We’ve been working long and hard together.”

Policy and Government

At, Brian Domitrovic says the attention and Nobel Prizes for ‘behavioral economics’ was meant by the economics profession to distract attention from the success of Supply-Economics and the failure of Keynesianism.

In The Federalist, John Tamny discusses the impact of automation on jobs.


At, Norbert Michel wonders if the Fed funds rate still matters.


As reported by Bloomberg Politics, President Trump in his speech at Heritage Foundation presses for tax cuts, praising the Committee’s own Steve Moore: “We’ve been working long and hard together.”

At Economics 21, Emily Top reports CEA analysis boosts the case for corporate tax cuts.

In the WSJ, Edward Lazear gives his thoughts on how to make a good tax blueprint better.


In the National Pulse, Jon Decker says Democrats revealed their adoration for corporate welfare following President Trump’s health care executive order.


On Real Clear Markets, Allan Golombek says Bombardier and Airbus is a marriage made in regulatory heaven.

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