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Lina Kahn: The Most Failed FTC Chair in History

Lina Kahn is the Federal Trade Commission chair who wants to radically change federal antitrust policy (her lawsuit charging Amazon Prime as being anti-consumer is her latest crusade).

An economic pyromaniac, her crusade to block any merger or acquisition has luckily stalled. She lost her antitrust cases against Meta and Microsoft in court and her attempt to stop a drug company merger was also blocked. The Wall Street Journal has asked: “Does Lina Khan Ever Win A Single Case?”

Now even the liberal New York magazine has published a searing expose of her. Legal analyst Andush Khardori finds her cases have “shaky legal underpinnings” and questions if she is costing progressives more than she’s worth.

“Khan’s failure could ultimately prove fatal to a once-in-a-generation movement to dramatically transform government antitrust policy,” writes Kharori. “If her tenure at the head of the FTC turns out to be a failure, it could deal an existential blow to the movement that she has devoted her career to.”

If this is accurate then maybe something good has come out of this hyper-regulator who knows nothing about the businesses she is overseeing.

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