Britain’s Nigel Farage Rises Again

The sudden decision of Nigel Farage (a close friend of Donald Trump’s) to become leader of Britain’s Reform Party and directly challenge the ruling and disintegrating Conservative Party could elevate him to the status of the leading voice of the right in Britain.

Certainly, Britain’s Conservatives are in deadly peril.  Having called a snap election for July 4, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces polls that show the left-wing Labour Party on track for a huge win.

Farage freely admits that Labour will win.  His goal is to “reshape the center-right.”

Farage, the new leader of Britain’s Reform Party, says the “political revolt” will start with a “Contract With The People” – a nod to Newt Gingrich’s 1994 Contract With America – which includes slashing tax rates for small and large businesses, expanding private healthcare options to ease overcrowding in the National Health Service, and enacting tough measures on illegal immigration, which is out of control in Britain.

The Conservative party is in shambles because it doesn’t stand for any principles anymore.  They want to spend and tax as much as the Labour Party.  There are few degrees of separation.

We hope that Farage can become the new Margaret Thatcher of the right and the forgotten classes of England – and the lady who made Britain great again.

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