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Teenagers Sue for Climate “Justice”

Speaking of climate madness, last week the State of Hawaii settled one of dozens of lawsuits that have been filed to get U.S. judges to begin legislating “climate justice” from the bench.

The alleged injured party was a group of 13 teenagers who sued Hawaii’s Department of Transportation over its use of fossil fuels. Our Children’s Trust and Earthjustice, an environmental law firm, claimed a violation of Hawaii’s Constitution, which requires the state to “conserve and protect Hawaii’s natural beauty and all natural resources.”

The settlement will require the state to eliminate fossil fuels from its transportation system by 2045 and also formally recognizes the right to file future lawsuits against other parties.

Governor Josh Green even stood next to the young plaintiffs as he read a statement claiming: “This settlement informs how we as a state can best move forward to achieve life-sustaining goals.”

Wait! Isn’t the governor supposed to be DEFENDING his state from abusive lawsuits?

We wonder how this island paradise — whose primary industry is tourism — is going to survive without fossil fuels. With no jets and cruise ships allowed, will tourists and business travelers have to arrive by sailboat?

Beware: climate lawsuits may be coming to your state soon. Last August, a judge ruled that GOP-dominated Montana violated its constitution when it approved fossil fuel projects without taking climate change into account. Vermont is facing climate lawsuits due to recent flooding.

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