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Will Biden Pack the Supreme Court?

Our left-wing spies are telling us that President Biden is about to endorse proposals to rein in the Supreme Court. These “reforms” may include an enforceable ethics code, a constitutional amendment to eliminate broad immunity for presidents and executive branch officials, and term limits.

Biden has long resisted such changes, and his sudden shift now leaves the most important and obvious question unanswered. If he is re-elected and Democrats win control of Congress, will he also support packing the Supreme Court to add the four new justices to give liberals the control they desire? Such a move would only require a majority of both houses of Congress.

Biden has said in the past that he opposes Court-packing, but he now opposes Senator Ted Cruz’s proposed “Keep Nine” Amendment that would permanently preserve the current number of nine Justices. (We are open-minded to that idea if it were done in a nonpartisan way.)

But if Biden wins, the left want to add perhaps four new liberal members to the Court immediately to create a rubber stamp for their government expansionism and assaults on the Bill of Rights.


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