Let’s Put All Those Broken Windmills to Good Use

We have here a modernized version of the old saw: turn swords into plowshares. Turn wind turbines into border walls.

This idea from one loyal HOTLINE reader makes a lot of sense:

Construct border wall segments with out-of-service wind turbine blades which are currently very difficult to dispose of.

Transport blades intact which will eliminate the cost associated with deconstruction and chemical separation of materials.

Relocate non-serviceable blades to border states which are often in close proximity to wind generation farms (e.g., Texas, California).

Prepare concrete pads to be compatible with current blade mounting provisions.

Mount ‘waste’ blades vertically in a manner that creates an impassible barrier to prevent illegal migrant crossing.

The left loves recycling. This recycling idea might gain bipartisan support.

Unleash Prosperity Hotline


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Washington, DC 20005