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Trump Injects Bitcoin Into the Campaign Debate

Politicians and central bankers hate cryptocurrencies because it takes away their monopoly on the money supply. Biden’s SEC chair Gary Gentler has been an advocate of aggressive regulation of Bitcoin and all cryptos.

This is EXACTLY why we are supporters of Bitcoin, et al, because they decentralize and privatize economic power.

Donald Trump has taken a strong and right-thinking position of maintaining the independence of alternative currencies. He electrified thousands of attendees at the world’s largest Bitcoin conference in Nashville on Saturday.

He pledged that should he win, his administration would retain all federal Bitcoin holdings, establishing a “strategic national Bitcoin stockpile,” which sounded a little like pandering to us. We’re not sure why we need this “stockpile.” We’d like to see a total government hands-off policy. Cryptos are risky – but so are pesos, euros, rubles, and sometimes even the dollar when we have an inflationist president like Biden, who has depreciated the currency by 20% in three years.

We were also delighted to hear Trump pledge to end Operation Choke Point 2.0, a heavy-handed program used by the Biden administration to pressure banks to close the accounts of legal businesses that Biden and Harris view as enemies – i.e. gun dealers, payday lenders, and cryptocurrency companies.

Predictably, Kamala Harris has adopted an anti-Bitcoin stance.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a supporter of cryptocurrencies. He correctly points out that Bitcoin and others “will inject a discipline into the printing of money that we do not have right now.”  Bingo.

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