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The Left Has Controlled the White House for 12 of the Past 16 Years – But Blame Trump for Economic Crisis

Our quote of the day from Scott Jennings on CNN:

She [Kamala] is in the White House right now. Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. And for all of the talk about division and the problems in the country and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country.

Trump had it for four. The Obamas and Biden had it for the rest of the time. And somehow it’s still all Trump’s fault, and somehow she hasn’t been at the center of it…

How do you explain all of the problems that will be solved by the person who is currently in there for the last three and a half years who is supposed to already be working on solving it?

It’s a fun video to watch as the four stunned liberals stare at Jennings with dropped jaws and open mouths – and no response.

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