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Under a President Kamala Harris Everything Will Be Free

Speaking of the skyrocketing national debt – you ain’t seen anything yet.

The House Budget Committee has now just completed a thorough analysis of “Kamalonomics” and has cataloged all the things that will be free in America if she is president.

Here’s a brief sample of what’s on the list:

      • Free Child care: Kamala cosponsored S. 1806, the Child Care for Working Families Act, which would create new federal entitlement programs for child care. Cost: $600 billion over the next decade.
      • Free parental leave: Kamala supported a plan to create a government-mandated parental leave, which she would have paid for by imposing new payroll taxes on families.
      • Free Health Care: In 2019, then-Presidential candidate Harris rolled out her Medicare for All proposal, which included coverage for more than 11 million illegal immigrants. Projected to cost $44 trillion over ten years.
      • Free College:In 2017 Harris was an original cosponsor of Bernie Sanders’ plan for free college, S.806, College for All Act of 2017. Cost: $600 billion over the next decade.
      • Free Child Rearing Expenses: Harris proposed Expanding the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and making it fully refundable (a cash grant) of up to $6,000 in first year of life. Cost: $1.2 trillion over 10 years.
      • Free Downpayment on Home Purchase: Kamala would provide a tax credit of up to $25,000 to first-time homebuyers, further boosting demand for home ownership and lead to higher home prices. Cost: $100 billion over the next decade.

 We will stop there because we’re exhausted.

Anyone got a $10 trillion bill blowing a hole in their pocket to pay for all this? Or maybe they are planning to mint some of those trillion-dollar platinum coins.

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