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Under Proposed Tax Scheme Government Will Own 50% of Every Corporation in America

If you haven’t seen it, UP co-founder and chairman Stephen Moore (presently on leave) and Susquehanna International Group founder Jeffrey Yass have a lead feature in today’s WSJ.

The article documents the frightening truth that under the proposed left-wing radical tax plan, half of all corporate profits will go directly to governments. This is because they plan to raise the corporate income tax to 33% (when adding state and local taxes) and the capital gains tax (a double-tax on corporate earnings) to 34%.  Add it together and the shareholders receive less than 50% of the returns.

It is a mathematical certainty that the tax scheme will lower the value of stocks a great deal. What we find troubling is that most investors who own as much as half of a company don’t vilify it as a “price gouger” or hassle them with inane and costly regulations. The Left would treat corporate America as a fat goose to be plucked, and the rest of us would pay the price.

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