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Where Is Laffer’s Nobel Prize?

Next week, the Nobel Prize winner in economics will be named.

By far the most influential economist in the world today (who has not won a Nobel Prize), is Arthur Laffer – of Laffer Curve fame. He changed the way the world thinks about tax policy and influenced many leaders across the globe – from Ronald Reagan to Margaret Thatcher to Jerry Brown to Donald Trump. There is no one in the world who even comes close to Laffer’s impact on economics.

Of course, we’re biased given that Arthur is our co-founder. But what is sad is that the Nobel committee doesn’t acknowledge the Laffer Curve, and they deny the simple truth that when you tax something, you get less of it. And when you cut tax rates, good things happen. Kennedy, Reagan, and Trump have proved that.

Amazingly, Paul Krugman has a Nobel, and he hasn’t said a single thing right in about 25 years.

At least Dr. Laffer will always have his Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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