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Just When You Thought Media’s Reputation Couldn’t Get Worse: Trust Level Hits New All-Time Low

new Gallup poll finds that Americans have the highest distrust ever recorded in mainstream media.  Naturally, the media didn’t cover the story.

Fewer than one in three Americans surveyed have a “great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust that the media is fair and accurate.

Worse, 36% have no trust and confidence at all.

Suspicion of the media is present in every demographic group. Just over half of Democrats (54%) have much trust in the media. Among independents the number was 27% and among Republicans only 12%. Younger people, who get most of their news online, trust the media far less than their elders. Among Democrats under the age of 30, only 31% trust the media

The last time the majority of Americans expressed trust in the mainstream media was back in 2003, over 20 years ago.

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