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Good Luck With That, Pete

Mayor Pete was caught boasting about how well the Biden Admin’s high-speed rail plans are going.

Really? You be the judge.

Here are the most recent facts on the most expensive high-speed rail program in California from Senator Ted Cruz and Rep. Sam Graves (the top Republicans on the committees of jurisdiction), in a recent letter to Mayor Pete:

Voters were promised that the California High-Speed Rail project would cost the state $33 billion and be completed by 2020.

Fifteen years later, the California High-Speed Rail project The California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) still has not completed a single segment of the system, the total estimated cost has ballooned to $128 billion and counting, and there is no expected completion date.

CHSRA has recently focused its efforts on completing a 171-mile segment between Merced and Bakersfield. This segment alone will cost more than $35 billion to serve about two million riders annually.

Senator Cruz got these facts from our Unleash Prosperity senior fellow and transportation expert Wendell Cox. If this is success, Lord knows what a failure looks like.

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