Stop the Social Security Steal

As early as today, the Senate will vote on an absurd bill to give state and local government employees a $200B+ Social Security bonus.

Social Security runs out of money in 10 years and is on a course to insolvency.

But instead of fixing the finances, 62 senators – including many Republicans who pretend to be fiscal conservatives – are sponsoring a bill to raise monthly benefits for public employees, even though their complaints are phony. This  group of workers ALREADY receives pay and benefits that are 30% higher than comparable private sector workers. Most are already eligible for supersized state pensions. Roughly 80% of government employees are Democrats and more than 90% of the political spending by their unions goes to defeat Republicans.

The bill (H.R.82) passed the House in November with 327 votes.

We are running $2 TRILLION deficits and Social Security has a $22 trillion unfunded liability, yet senators in both parties are voting to dig the hole deeper and move up by nearly a year the date when the SS trust fund runs out of money. They are hoping no one notices this swindle.  WE notice.

Mr. President – stop the steal.

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