Canada Needs a Trump Not a Trudeau

Donald Trump has certainly gotten the attention of Canadian citizens with his jibes that Canada could become America’s “51st state.”

Canada is our biggest trading partner and our closest ally, but they won’t be giving up their sovereignty.

But what they should give up on is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has driven Canada’s economy into a socialist and green energy ditch. The Economist magazine notes: Sadly, Canada’s per capita income has fallen to below 70% of what it is in the U.S. The average Canadian is now poorer than the average resident of Alabama, America’s fourth poorest state.

Trump’s trolling of Canada and talk of new tariffs is already spurring change. Trudeau has suddenly announced a plan to increase spending on border security and use canine teams and artificial intelligence to intercept illegal drugs. We doubt that would have happened absent Trump’s taunts.

In the meantime, maybe Trump’s other idea of electing Wayne Gretzky the next Prime Minister may have some skates.

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