Heading Out the Door, Biden Seeks to Ban 40% of Water Heaters

Joe Biden’s Energy Department spent the holidays in a mad rush to restrict yet another common household appliance. This time it’s natural gas-powered water heaters, popular in Northern states. If unchallenged, the final rule would likely ban 40% of the new models and force consumers to pay an additional $450 for alternatives.

The White House claims consumers will ultimately save on heating bills while reducing emissions of carbon dioxide. But those savings may not materialize – while the upfront costs are all too real.

During Biden’s four-year “reign of error,” his Energy Department’s regulations to make appliances more green are estimated to have added $9,000 in costs for an average family. And they wonder where the inflation came from.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last year that Congress never granted the Energy Department the power “to regulate water use for energy-using appliances” such as dishwashers or heaters.

The Trump administration should roll back all of these regulations on day one and let Americans buy the appliances they want.

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