Will Republican Budget Hawks Torpedo the Trump Tax Cuts?

Our old friend and newsman Bob Novak used to say that “the only reason God put Republicans on this earth was to cut taxes.”


We’re worried that some House Republican budget hawks – many of whom are our friends – want to hold the tax cut hostage to force Congress’s hand on spending cuts.

We don’t take a back seat to ANYONE in our desire to cut trillions of dollars of wasteful, fraudulent and counterproductive spending.  We’re all for that.

But the strategy of threatening to blow up the Trump tax cuts is a dangerous game of fiscal chicken. The scheme plays right into the hands of Chucky Schumer and the liberals in Congress who would love to sit back and watch conservatives splinter.

Failure to extend the Trump tax cuts would trigger one of the biggest tax hikes in American history. That doesn’t sound very  “fiscally responsible” to us.

It would also deliver a bone-crushing blow to the economy. Let’s repeat the forecast of what happens to the economy if the taxes go up next year:

Question: how is reducing GDP by $1 trillion and destroying 6 million jobs going to lower the budget deficit?

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