Price Transparency Will Slash Federal Health Care Costs

Unleash Prosperity co-founders Steve Forbes and Steve Moore wrote in The New York Post this week on how Congress could slash hundreds of billions in healthcare spending without cutting Medicare patient care or access.

The chart below shows how much faster health care (and college tuition costs) have exploded than any other sector of the economy over the past two decades.

The Forbes-Moore piece notes that “an astounding 48% of federal expenditures are devoted to health-care outlays. And it’s going to get worse: Federal health spending is projected to surge from 2023’s $2.2 trillion to $3.8 trillion in 2032, making up a staggering 20% of the nation’s GDP.”

Some medical services cost 7 to 10 times higher at one hospital or clinic than at another one nearby. But doctors and patients can’t be cost-conscious consumers because prices are hidden.

Our friend Cynthia Fisher, who runs a group called Patient Rights Advocates, tells us that fewer than one-in-four hospitals are in compliance with Trump’s 2019 executive order requiring the posting of medical service prices.

A Woman Warrior for Lower Health Cost

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