Elon Dares To Ask Federal Workers: What Have You Done for Us Lately?

The federal government has been compared to a run-away train driven by a sleeping engineer that’s heading for a blown-out trestle bridge over a deep canyon.

Elon to the rescue!

On Saturday, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management sent an email to all U.S. government workers directing them to reply and describe 5 things they did last week as part of their official work duties. The deadline is today and “failure to reply is grounds for immediate termination!”

Posting on X, Musk explained:

The unions are preparing lawsuits, claiming it is illegal, and all of Washington is acting like their hair is on fire. Max Stier, CEO of the Partnership for Public Service, calls the tweet “arson on a public asset, which is the workforce.”

Also, today is the day that all federal workers have been ordered to report back to their physical offices.  We’ll be looking to see if there are obvious Washington D.C. traffic jams as workers stream back in.

Federal reforms to the vast federal bureaucracy is courageous and long overdue. Nixon tried it. Reagan tried it. Clinton tried it (remember “reinventing government?”) Bush tried it. They all failed. The corrupt and flabby and incompetent bureaucracy won.

We’re betting that Trump and Elon won’t back down.

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