Unleash Prosperity co-founders Stephen Moore, Dr. Arthur Laffer and Steve Forbes today launched the Tax Cut Victory Alliance(TCVA) – a coalition of taxpayer groups, business groups, state organizations, conservative leaders, and activists across the country – who’ve joined together in a national campaign to make the 2017 Trump Tax Cuts permanent.
As part of this initiative, the TCVA (a project of Unleash Prosperity affiliate 501 (c) (4) Unleash Prosperity Now) is calling on Congress to urgently pass necessary tax measures within the first 100 days of the new Administration. This is to ensure they are timely enough to positively impact economic growth and eliminate future uncertainty related to family incomes and capital investment decisions.
Key priorities of the TCVA include:
- Passing legislation making the 2017 tax cuts permanent within 100 days of the new administration.
- Protecting all of the 2017 reductions in tax rates on individuals, families, small businesses, and employers.
- Ensuring business tax rates remain low and potentially lowering them further to 15 percent.
- Securing capital expensing provisions to encourage greater business investment growth.
- Promoting the true economic impact of the tax cuts rather than using failed JTC/CBO scoring projections.
If you wish to join this effort let us know or sign up on the website!