In one of the most closely watched climate change lawsuits of all time, National Review columnist Mark Steyn was ordered by a DC jury (of course) to pay world-famous climate alarmist Michael Mann of Penn State University $1 million in punitive damages for defamation. Steyn had referred to Mann as “the man behind the fraudulent climate-change ‘hockey-stick’ graph.” That graph WAS far from scientific.
Now the damage award has been shrunk by the D.C. Superior Court from $1 million to $5,000. The original verdict was all about politics and the progressive left’s penchant to punish climate change skeptics.
Mark was a longtime guest host for Rush Limbaugh and – according to Mann’s lawyer – it was necessary to send a message not to mess with “climate scientists”. So, the jury topped that $1 in nominal damages with one million dollars in punitive. Predictably, the mainstream media and climate cultists went gaga over it whilst anyone with a passing acquaintance of the law understood this award would not stand up.
And thankfully, it didn’t.
Justice at last.