One Million Fewer Full-Time Workers in February Jobs Report

The headline number from Friday’s Labor Department jobs report was a 151,000 increase in payroll employment. That’s a decent number. But a second measure (a smaller monthly survey of households rather than the “establishment survey”) counted more than a half-million FEWER Americans employed in February.

Equally worrisome is that another 460,000 people in the civilian labor force last month worked part-time “for economic reasons” – which typically means they lost a full-time job or couldn’t find full-time work due to “slack work or business conditions.”

Uh oh! This could be a one-month blip (hopefully) or it could mean private employers are pulling back big time on hiring.

We think the hangover effect of Bidenomics is much more severe than expected. Much of the GDP “growth” was built on the flimsy stilts of government spending.

We have here yet another flashing warning sign that conservatives in the Senate must stop slow rolling the Trump tax cut.  Make haste – as “the two Steves” Forbes and Moore urge in this weekend’s New York Post:

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