Headline of the Day

CNN writes:

The Education Department’s civil rights office has been among the hardest hit by layoffs, with the Trump administration shuttering seven of its 12 regional offices and laying off nearly half of its staff…

The Office for Civil Rights, or OCR, aims to protect students by holding schools and colleges that receive federal funds accountable for combating antisemitism, islamophobia, racism and discrimination.

Have you ever heard such an incoherent crock of educrat babble than this?

Hello!! There is nothing in America that undermines the civil rights of minorities more than the public education system. Blacks and Hispanics are the victims of our failed inner-city schools.

What Trump and his outstanding Education Secretary, Linda McMahon, want to do is lay off thousands of useless “civil rights” lawyers in Washington (most of whom have never even stepped in a school) and give the money directly to minority parents so they can send their kids to good private or Catholic or charter schools, where kids actually learn! We can’t think of a better way to fight racism.

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