Thursday News: Cato’s James Dorn in argues against the Fed and for the proposed Monetary Commission,  The World Magazine weighs in on the gold standard and monetary commission; Jim Grant says the gold standard is the obvious way forward

Politics and Government

Huffington Post turns on Obamacare

The Daily Reckoning presents a second excerpt of Ralph Benko’s essay ‘The Political Consequences of Peace’ — entitling it The Saviors of the Republic, a reflection on how the duties of citizenship are nondelegable.

Monetary Reform

The World Magazine weighs in on the gold standard and on the legislation proposing to establish a Monetary Commission

At Bloomberg, Jim Grant says the gold standard is the obvious way forward.

From, James Dorn states the real problem isn’t Janet Yellen, it’s The Fed itself.

A first step toward sound money, and fiscal rectitude, would be to have a national debate on alternatives to discretionary government fiat money, with the goal of creating a monetary regime that would prevent debt monetization, safeguard an individual’s property in a stable-valued money, and protect free capital markets. That is why Congress should support HR 1176 introduced by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, to establish a Centennial Monetary Commission, which would lay the framework for institutional change in the pursuit of sound money.

In The WSJ, Michele Maatouk reports the dollar slipped as Fed worries continue.

At TGSN, Kathleen Packard details how speculative monetary policy yields speculative results; At TGSN Ralph Benko recounts how “Fergusonzilla Destroys Krugtron the Invincible” (Part 1):


In The Washington Times, Michael Busler writes supply-side economics would end the ‘Obama Depression’.


From National Review, Larry Kudlow says Republicans must get wise to Obama’s hard-line fiscal strategy.

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