A Mercatus Institute study finds that government regulations have cost the US economy $4 trillion.

21658921878_03a29705a6_qPolicy and Government

In the WSJ, Theo Francis and Kate Linebaugh report that corporate earnings are in their longest decline since the financial crisis.

At CNN, Patrick Gillespie reports first quarter GDP growth was next to nothing.

In the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin analyzes the candidate’s economic platforms.

From Quarterly Review, Stephen Maclean tells us what John Stuart Mill would think of Donald Trump.


At CNBC, Jeff Cox says it seems like the Fed has added a third mandate to its list.

From MarketWatch, Ben Hunt writes the Fed is giving the markets a placebo.


A Mercatus Institute study finds that government regulations have cost the US economy $4 trillion.

Economist Alan Reynolds tweets shrinking trade deficits are tied to rising unemployment.

In the Independent Journal, Rick Berman says it’s time to reform antiquated workplace regulations.

At Forbes.com, Chuck Devore explains how fracking saved California.

Photo Credit: Province of British Columbia

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