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A Rio Grande Foundation investigation reveals how Santa Fe Mayor Javier Gonzales pushed for tax increases under a misleading guise of “public health”.

Policy and Government

U.S. economy slowed to a 1.9% growth rate in fourth quarter of 2016.

The Washington Post‘s Ana Swanson provides a stunningly clumsy lede on her story, reporting 1.9% growth rather than a 1.9% growth rate. 

At, Tim Worstall says Paul Krugman is wrong about Trump, Reagan, and manufacturing.


In the WSJ, David Harrison and Kate Davidson report the Fed will align itself with Trump’s federal hiring freeze.

In the WSJ, John Mueller says Trump’s real trade problem is money.


A Rio Grande Foundation investigation reveals how Santa Fe Mayor Javier Gonzales pushed for tax increases under a misleading guise of “public health”.

In the WSJ, Larry Kudlow and Stephen Moore write to speed up job growth, cut taxes now.

The Mises Institute says a tariff on Mexico is a surefire way to ensure that Americans will pay for the border wall.


In the WSJ, Heather Higgins and Phil Kerpen write President Trump has opened the Obamacare escape hatch.

Photo Credit: Xin Deui

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