Andy Puzder says Republicans are revitalizing America’s economy.

Policy and Government

In The Hill, Andy Puzder says Republicans are revitalizing America’s economy.

From, Ralph Benko discusses the fall of the Soviet Union and President Trump.

From, John Tamny mocks net-neutrality alarmism.


Ralph Benko wishes Mr. Gold Standard (Sir Isaac Newton) a Happy Birthday.


Arthur Laffer: The Trump tax bill has started a feeding frenzy of economic growth.

From Breitbart, Larry Kudlow says the tax bill will cut the deficit and pay for itself.

In the NY Sun, Larry Kudlow writes the GOP has turned the tables on class warfare rhetoric.

On Fox News, Chuck DeVore discusses the impact of the Trump tax bill on the economy.

In the Washington Times, Ed Feulner celebrates a tax cut for America.

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