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Andy Puzder says the non-Affordable Care Act is responsible for the restaurant recession.

3791669519_12196f49be_qPolicy and Government

At Fortune, Alan Wolff explains what the Canada-EU free trade deal means for the U.S.


At U.S. News, Andrew Soergel believes, no matter who wins the election, change is coming to the Fed.

In the WSJ, Kate Davidson reports the Fed more strongly signaled a December interest rate hike.


At ATR, Alexander Hendrie and John Kartch praise Trump’s tax plan for resulting in higher take-home pay at all income levels.

At ATR, Grover Norquist discusses hypocrisy of proponents of the death tax.


At, John Mauldin explains how Obamacare makes our debt worse than you think.


In the WSJ, Andy Puzder says the non-Affordable Care Act is responsible for the restaurant recession.

Photo Credit: Leslie Feinberg

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