Andy Puzder: What Trump-haters don’t get about the incredible power of American capitalism.

Policy and Government

Andy Puzder: What Trump-haters don’t get about the incredible power of American capitalism.

WSJ: Oil is fast approaching $70/ barrel.

John Tamny discusses the biggest victims of the China tariffs.

CNBC reports that OMB Director Mick Mulvaney is heartened at 2.9% growth, up from the 1.6% growth Trump inherited, a level Mulvaney said they had not expected to achieve until 2020.

IMF believes dark clouds are looming over the global economy.

Donald Boudreaux and Veronique de Rugy: This earth day, celebrate a world cleaned by capitalism.

Jeff Jacoby attacks earth day doomsayers.

Edward Hudgins: It’s time to abandon earth day.


Nathan Lewis: If you like the euro, love the gold standard.


Steve Forbes: Republicans should run on the Trump tax cuts.

National Review says we should make the Trump tax cuts permanent.


Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. and Ryan Young: Congress should lock in President Trump’s deregulatory progress.

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