Art Laffer Argues That We Are Far Below Our Potential for Jobs

Regulation and Policymaking

At Fox Business, Art Laffer argues that we are far below our potential for jobs.

At Newsmax, Stephen Moore apprises that Biden’s energy policy is crippling the economy.

At Fox News, Phil Kerpen joins Laura Ingraham to discuss the Fauci e-mails.

At the Cato Institute, Ryan Bourne makes the case for listening more to economists, rather than epidemiologists, in assessing pandemic mitigation policies.

At the Cato Institute, Chris Edwards breaks down the new push by G-7 leaders for a global minimum corporate tax.

At the Cato Institute, Ryan Bourne makes the case that minimum wages lead to uneconomic automation.

Taxes and Spending

At Fox Business, Larry Kudlow blasts Janet Yellen over her role in international minimum tax negotiations.

At the Cato Institute, Ryan Bourne details unemployment insurance waste and fraud.

At the Independent Institute, Craig Eyermann tears into Biden’s new budget proposal.

Monetary Policy

At Newsmax, Stephen Moore says it would be dumb to pass Biden’s budget with inflation rising.

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