Biden Would Force Millions of Workers into Unions

Unleash Prosperity Hotline
Issue #114

1) Biden Would Force Millions of Workers into Unions

The great Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Committee, has some unsettling news about Joe Biden’s radical labor agenda. He tells us he has never seen such a full-throttled assault on worker rights. Here is his list:

Overview of Biden Labor Proposals

  • Eliminate Right to Work – Prohibit RTW and override 27 state RTW laws, forcing millions of additional workers to pay union dues.
  • Government-Imposed Forced Dues Contracts
  • Expand forced unionism to independent contractors
  • Full Card Check – meaning no secret ballots for union elections
  • Mandatory Government Monopoly Bargaining –  for all state and local government workers.
  • Expand Forced Unionism for agriculture workers, domestic workers, and independent contractors (like Uber and Lyft drivers)
  • Ban permanent replacement workers of workers on strike
  • Effectively Blacklist Non-Union Government Contractors/Workers
  • Taxpayer Bailout of Bankrupt Union Pensions – through Butch-Lewis Act and similar proposals

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