Bobby Jindal Speaks to the Committee to Unleash Prosperity

Bobby_Jindal_August_2015From The Washington Post,

Bobby Jindal is a conservative Republican, a soon-to-be-declared presidential candidate and a big fan, in the abstract at least, of new foreign trade agreements. He is also an opponent of his party’s current push in Congress to help President Obama negotiate new trade deals, he told a group of supply-side conservatives at the Four Seasons Restaurant – a case of deep distrust trumping philosophical principles.

Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, said he would support giving so-called “fast-track” powers, which are meant to accelerate the process for negotiating and ratifying new trade agreements, to a “generic Democrat” in the White House. But he would oppose them for Obama, whom he repeatedly criticized in his remarks on domestic and foreign policy issues, and whom he called a worse president than even Jimmy Carter.

“I am not for giving this president fast-track authority,” Jindal told the group, the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, which on Thursday evening included economists Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore and conservative commentator Larry Kudlow, along with a few dozen others. 

Photo Credit: Michael Vadon

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