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Brian Domitrovic debunks the economic excuses for our poor recovery.

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In the WSJ, James Mackintosh labels the stock rally as a “pessimistic bull market.”

At, Brian Domitrovic debunks the economic excuses for our poor recovery.


From CNBC, Jeff Cox says $12 trillion of QE and the lowest rates in 5,000 years only got us this?

In the WSJ, Anna Louie Sussman and Eric Morath report U.S. Import prices rose at the highest rate since 2012.

At Bloomberg, Lisa Abramowicz reveals what the Fed isn’t saying.

From MarketWatch, Gregg Robb speculates what Janet Yellen will say during tomorrow’s press conference.


In the Washington Times, Richard Rahn writes economic growth is suffering due to overspending, not under taxing.

Photo Credit: US Census Bureau 

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