Breaking Up Google Will Be a Great American Catastrophe for 11/19/2024
Earlier this year, in one of the most absurd court rulings in modern times, federal judge Amit Mehta ruled that Google violated U.S. antitrust law
Earlier this year, in one of the most absurd court rulings in modern times, federal judge Amit Mehta ruled that Google violated U.S. antitrust law
A few days before last week’s election, Bernie Sanders issued a dire warning to voters: “If Donald Trump is elected, the struggle against climate change
It seems that as more and more time goes by, my appreciation for the ingeniousness of our Founding Fathers elevates. I write this before knowing
You may have heard that last week 24 Nobel economists wrote that Vice President Kamala Harris’ economic plan would be better for America than the
In the one debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the vice president attacked Trump for having a racist record, citing his statements in response
Here is something no one in the media is reporting as Vice President Kamala Harris continues to duck and weave like Muhammad Ali in the
Maintaining the safety and reliability of our electric grid system is one of America’s greatest national and economic challenges. The system is in great distress, as
Why is it that the politicians keep referring to America as a “democracy”? How many times have we heard that former President Donald Trump is
At the time of this writing, the outcome of the presidential race is pretty close to being a coin flip. So what I write is
We all know that math scores have been scandalously trending downward for many years, but the folks in the government should at least be able