Christopher Malagisi asks George Gilder if the gold standard would bring back a golden age.

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In the WSJ, Ben Leubsdorf reports latest consumer spending numbers point to lackluster growth.

At Reuters, Lucia Mutikani reports profits are sinking.


At Townhall, Christopher Malagisi asks George Gilder if the gold standard would bring back a golden age.

Raghuram Rajan says we need new rules for the monetary game.


At ATR, John Kartch writes President Obama’s final budget calls for a $2.1 trillion tax hike.


In the OC Register, Stephen Moore finds it strange that free trade is supported by the public, but not the presidential candidates.

At, Tim Worstall slams the New York Times’ call for a $15 minimum wage in the south, says that’s where it would be the most damaging.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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