Dear Friends,
We wanted to make sure that you saw the piece in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal on the insanity of the $300 a week bonus unemployment benefits, co-authored by two of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity’s senior fellows: Casey Mulligan and E.J. Antoni.
The article was a condensation of a study CTUP sponsored (available on our website, here is the link) which calculates how much annual and hourly benefits households can receive today for NOT working. We’ve taken the lead on this issue from the start more than a year ago. Our prediction back in March that these extra benefits would lead to five million FEWER Americans working has been spot on correct – despite howls of protest from the left when we laid this all out.
We’ve succeeded in persuading 26 governors to suspend the extra benefits to help get Americans back at work to help fill the 9.1 million job openings around the country.
It’s because of your contributions to CTUP that we are able to publish this important work.
An excerpt from the WSJ piece is provided below:

Twenty-five Republican governors have wisely suspended the $300-a-week supplemental unemployment benefits starting this month. But 25 mostly blue-state governors will let the bonus run into September, even with jobs plentiful in nearly every state. Why?
The Biden team and Democrats in Congress were warned repeatedly that the March “stimulus” bill would shrink employment by five million to six million because of the rewards for not working. Three months later the evidence is clear: The stimulus bill stimulated unemployment, not employment.
More than a million jobs are waiting to be filled in the construction and manufacturing sectors, but these industries have gained almost no new employees over the past two months. These are high-paying blue-collar jobs.
Read more at the WSJ: