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Daniel Ryan names the Committee’s Ralph Benko as one of Bitcoin’s significant influencers.

Policy and Government

Daniel Ryan at Enter Stage Right , celebrating Bitcoin’s 10th birthday, pairs the Committee’s own Ralph Benko with Al Gore, Ben Bernanke and Larry Summers as among its influencers.

Former VP Joe Biden’s chief economist Jared Bernstein acknowledges a strong year for the US labor market topped by a strong December jobs report.

From, Stuart Anderson attributes President Trump’s wall idea to Roger Stone.

On CGTN, John Tamny discusses the government shutdown.

At Visual Capitalist, Nick Routley shows the evolution of popular websites since the Internet was founded.

In the Washington Times, Stephen Moore navigates the divide between Red States and Blue States.


From, John Tamny believes Silicon Valley is reducing the importance of the Fed.


On Fox News, Grover Norquist says the Democrat House is renewing its war on taxpayers.

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