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Friday Highlights: Alan Greenspan in Foreign Affairs, controverts Keynes’s characterization of gold as a “barbarous relic.” John Tamny writes the departure of Bill Gross from Pimco unmasks the Fed as a credit destroyer; William Kristol says Bell-Booker is really a five point race

Monetary Reform

Alan Greenspan in Foreign Affairs, controvertsKeynes’s characterization of gold as a “barbarous relic.” 
AEI’s blog, AEIdeas, posts, circulates to its subscribers, and then without explanation deletes, within minutes, a blog by Mark J. Perry entitled Stagnant real wages?  It just ain’t so

From, John Tamny writesthe departure of Bill Gross from Pimco unmasks the Fed as a credit destroyer.

In the Weekly Standard, William Kristol saysBell-Booker is really a five point race; At the Daily Caller, David Wagner detailsJeff Bell’s case for the middle class.

The Daily Beast givesthe sane case to audit the Fed.

From, Nathan Lewis writesdozens of countries have already kicked the fiat currency habit.

At TGSN, Ralph Benko presentspart 3 of his interview with Steve Lonegan.


In The Hill, Grover Norquist defendsBrownback’s tax cuts

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