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Friday Highlights: AP says DeMint move “defies GOP shift to the center”: Steve Forbes explains how the GOP can go on offense in the budget debate, Larry Kudlow on taxes and unemployment

Politics and Government

AP says DeMint move “defies GOP shift to the center:”

At Real Clear Politics, Steve Forbes explains how the GOP can go on offense in the budget debate.

On Roll Call, Ralph Benko argues a statute of limitations for illegal immigration will serve America’s national interests.

From The Washington Post, Glenn Kessler writes that President Obama pulled a bait-and-switch on tax increases.

In The Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin reports on the recent “4% Growth Project” conference, which highlighted the importance of immigration to economic growth.


In The Evansville Courier & Press, Eric Bradner says Governor Mike Pence is pushing for a tax cut.

On CNBC, Larry Kudlow says tax increases could lead to more unemployment


The Washington Post writes that a court will hear Rhode Island’s motion to dismiss a pension overhaul lawsuit.

At The Rockford Register Star, Chris Wetterich and Doug Finke detail the IIllonois Democrats new pension reform proposal.

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