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George Selgin discusses the founding of the Fed, and the implications of the Centennial Monetary Commission.

26605969282_af0e014bec_zPolicy and Government

On Fox News, Stephen Moore believes Hillary Clinton’s economic plan would preserve the status quo.

From Bloomberg, Theophilos Argitis says Canada debunked the myth that immigration is bad for the economy.

From, Avik Roy discusses Paul Ryan’s plan to replace Obamacare.

The IMF lists four problems with the U.S. economy:  “declining labor force participation as the population ages, declining productivity growth, an increasingly polarized society with income gains concentrated among the wealthiest Americans, and too many people living in poverty.”

The IMF says TPP would lower trade barriers and revive global productivity.

From The Conversation, Emily Blanchard gives the progressive case for supporting the TPP free trade agreement.


From CATO, George Selgin reviews the historic National Monetary Commission, the founding of the Fed, and implications for the Centennial Monetary Commission.

Yahoo asks if the “June is Live” talk hurt the Fed’s credibility.


At ATR, Justin Sykes reports flight-sharing could become a reality.

Dan Mitchell says the recipe for more job creation is less “help” from Washington D.C.

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