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94% of American Private Sector Workers Are NOT in A Union

Joe Biden is counting on tens of millions of dollars of labor union “contributions” as he campaigns for a second term in office. He has even declared himself to be “the most pro-union president in American history.” Yet even under Biden’s pro-labor union policies and high-profile organizing efforts at stores like Starbucks, a smaller percentage of Americans are members of private sector unions (only 6%) than at any time in the past eighty years.

Virtually the only unions that are growing are PUBLIC sector unions – such as the teacher unions. One in three government workers is in a union. Nearly ninety percent of public sector union members are Democrats. No wonder the Dems want the government to grow and grow and grow.

Virtually the only unions that are growing are PUBLIC sector unions – such as the teacher unions. One in three government workers is in a union. Nearly ninety percent of public sector union members are Democrats. No wonder the Dems want the government to grow and grow and grow.

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