Arizona Does It! Education Vouchers For Parents If Government Schools Close

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has a message for the teacher unions in his state pushing for the shutdown of in-person learning in public schools: Don’t even think about it.

Yesterday (Tues), Governor Ducey announced he will allow eligible families to take their children’s education dollars elsewhere if their public school closes. Should schools close for even a single day due to COVID, families who meet income requirements ($66,000 income or less) would be eligible for up to $7,000 in child care, school-coordinated transportation, online tutoring, and school tuition.






Depriving kids of in-person learning has many negative consequences, ranging from increased suicide attempts, depression, and declines in achievement tests.

Congratulations to Gov. Ducey.

But why isn’t this happening in Chicago, New York, Baltimore, and all over the country where teacher unions are unilaterally locking the doors of the schools? Every governor and mayor in America who truly cares about “the children” should adopt the Arizona policy – immediately.

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