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Biden Administration Sues Virginia to Let Non-Citizens Vote

The media keep insisting that non-citizen voting is a figment of the GOP’s imagination. But Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has proven them dead wrong.

In August, Youngkin issued an executive order allowing a clean-up of state voter rolls to remove those who have died, moved out of state, or are felons who have not had their right to vote restored.

It also directed the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide county registrars with a list of all residents who identified themselves as noncitizens when filling out a DMV form. Those on the list have 14 days to affirm their citizenship or will be removed from the voting roll.  Youngkin noted at the time that previous clean-up efforts had already removed 6,303 noncitizens from the voting rolls.

Good for him, right?

Nope. The Biden Justice Department sued Virginia, claiming Youngkin’s order violates an obscure federal rule that no one be removed from voter rolls for 90 days prior to an election.

Youngkin rightly denounced the suit as preposterous.

“Every legal vote deserves to be counted without being watered down by illegal votes,” he says.

He noted that in September alone, 90 residents the DMV had identified as noncitizens were removed from the Loudoun County voter rolls.

If potential non-citizen voting is a problem that doesn’t exist, why is the Biden administration so determined to prevent the removal of known non-citizens from the voter rolls?

We think there is really only one plausible explanation: Biden WANTS to count the illegal ballots cast by illegal immigrants and other noncitizens.

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