Biden Finally Admits He Likes High Gas Prices

We’ve been saying on these pages almost every day for the past year that the White House is LYING through their teeth when they keep saying “the president is doing everything he can to bring gas prices down. So – finally Biden admitted yesterday that high gas prices are all part of the master plan – the “pain” that we all have to face to get to the left’s green utopian dream of zero fossil fuels.

We shouldn’t fret about $5 a gallon gas prices – in fact, we better get used to it – because this is the price we all have to pay for what Biden praises as the “incredible transition” to a carbon free world. Sounds to us a little like Mao’s Great Leap Forward.

That Biden message went over well at the World International Forum in DAVOS where the planet’s elites gathered to scold all of us little people for driving cars and using air conditioning. The Davos folks say that in the future, there will be no cars – except for the political class – and the rest of us will all use “public transit.”

Our take away from all of this is that gas prices are going to go higher – and that Biden and his green friends are finally acknowledging this is by design.


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