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Biden: Inflation? What Inflation?

We’re still scratching our heads trying to figure out what the White House strategy is for bringing down inflation which is now running between 7% and 10% depending on the measure used.

Anyone with even a slight understanding of how businesses work in the real world (which is quite obviously NOT the brainiacs in this White House) probably fell off their chairs laughing when Biden lectured that to reduce inflation “businesses will have to cut your costs, not your wages.” Brilliant, Joe. They probably never thought of that. It’s also going to be pretty tough to “cut your costs, not your wages” when energy, construction, and labor costs are surging. As one of the late night comics put it last night: “Well one way to reduce costs would be to fire workers.”

Then old Joe told a whopper when he said that new vehicles accounted for a third of all inflation over the last year. New vehicles accounted for only 6% of inflation. Even if you add new and used vehicles together, it accounts for only 17% of inflation, half of what he claimed. Inflation is everywhere right now.

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