Biden’s Get Out of Jail Free Policy for Washington, D.C.

Biden’s epic flip/flop helped deliver 81 Senate votes to block DC’s proposed criminal code revision, which would have weakened penalties for violent crimes. That’s the good news.

But none of this will matter unless Biden’s handpicked US Attorney for DC, Matthew Graves, actually PROSECUTES criminals. So far he isn’t doing so. In 2022 he declined to prosecute more than half of felony arrests and 72% of misdemeanor arrests.

DC Police Chief Robert Contee III recently reported: “Right now, the average homicide suspect has been arrested 11 times prior to them committing a homicide.” ELEVEN TIMES!!! These are professional criminals we are letting out on the streets.

The House Oversight Committee or the Judiciary should consider holding a hearing that sits Chief Contee down next to US Attorney Graves. We’d pay to see that!

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